The desire to provide the best learning environment for its 200 pupils with specific learning differences was the impetus for one of the governors of Fairley House School to commission MTM to conduct important qualitative parental research.
For nearly 40 years, Fairley House School in Pimlico, south-west London has educated children aged five to 16 with specific learning differences, such as dyslexia and dyspraxia. Keen to ensure that Fairley House continues to meet families’ needs, Tom Morrell, a school governor with a background in strategic marketing, wanted to ask the opinions of parents.
The project
MTM was commissioned to conduct qualitative parental research for Fairley House. 100 current parents responded to an online survey, while 27 non-joiners (parents who applied to the school but didn’t accept a place) took part in telephone interviews. Key questions for both groups were why they approached the school initially, how it compared with the alternatives and what they considered to be the strengths and weaknesses of schools they considered.
A third of the parents who participated said they were very happy with the provision at Fairley House. Weak points mentioned related to the school’s small size and the provision of activities, and there was also some useful feedback on the school’s communication with parents and the information on the school’s website.
Next steps for Fairley House School
Having received MTM’s analysis, the school’s board of governors and senior leadership team agreed a plan. ‘The information from MTM formed a cornerstone of our marketing strategy and has given us the confidence to implement it straightaway,’ explains Tom.
Some of the findings represented factual confirmation for Tom and the team, in particular the importance of the school website. ‘It is especially difficult to find the right educational path for a child who is showing signs of dyslexia,’ says Tom. ‘Fairley House is like a lighthouse for parents, but we don’t communicate that nearly enough.’
MTM’s research gave a real insight into the stress parents feel when first engaging with the school and showed that there was room for improvement in Fairley House’s admissions process.

The MTM team understood our school and how different our offering is in relation to the general landscape, and that was a big help,’ adds Tom. ‘They provided excellent reports and presentations to governors, teachers and parents, and they were prepared to delve further into the data when asked. I hope to work with MTM again in future – I’m sure they will continue to provide valuable insight for us at Fairley House.