Health & Safety policy
MTM/DDI, led by its Board of Directors, will do everything that is reasonably practicable to protect the health, safety and welfare of both our employees and any other person affected by our activities.
MTM/DDI has overall responsibility for ensuring that we maintain high standards of health and safety. However, we rely on all of our employees, subcontractors and clients to play their part in effectively implementing our health and safety policy and sharing in our commitment to:
Everyone’s Safety Goal – Everyone Home Safe, Every Day
As such, we will:
- undertake risk assessments, implement the identified control measures and ensure that safe systems of work are applied in relation to our activities including emergency evacuation procedures
- comply with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes that relate to its health & safety
- provide first aid equipment and trained personnel to provide treatment in the case of accident or ill-health to employees or visitors to our premises
- provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment including safe access arrangements and suitable welfare facilities as well as safe egress especially in the event of an emergency
- provide information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely
- promote a positive health and safety culture within the organisation, in particular consulting with employees on health and safety matters, both through elected representatives of employee safety and directly at other forum
- commitment to prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in OH&S management and OH&S performance
- ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the storage, handling, use and transport of articles and substances including those that may be hazardous to health or that are flammable
- ensure that all vehicles and work equipment are suitable for purpose and properly maintained
- make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and supervise their use including the free supply of personal protective equipment needed to employees
- take steps to assess the competence of any contractor we engage and to ensure that information is exchanged on matters relevant to health and safety
- be prepared for emergencies such as fire and medical emergencies and investigate all incidents including injury or ill health by an investigation checklist or investigation report
- set and monitor health and safety objectives
The Company is committed to continual improvement in safety performance and ensuring that the delivery of the health and safety management system is adequately resourced to enable the full implementation of this policy and is maintained to accreditation standard ISO 45001:2018. This commitment includes the provision of sufficient resources, management and employee time, as well as training and health and safety advisory support.
It is the responsibility of the Director Responsible for Health, Safety and Environment to drive and monitor the implementation of this policy, the company’s overall health and safety performance and also to provide strategic guidance to all of the operational divisions and support functions, reporting to the Board accordingly.
This Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Responsibilities and Arrangements that support it will be reviewed at least annually or more frequently where there have been significant changes to the company or the nature of the company’s activities.