Coaching: Let’s Look at the Data

Coaching: Let’s Look at the Data featured image
19 January 2023

Julie Keyes, founder of The Educational Coach, examines the impact of coaching in schools and looks at the data around the results.

Coaching is big news. An approach that supports and develops staff members as individuals and encourages their strengths to shine in a way that supports the whole school: if you haven’t considered coaching before, then now is the time to act.

Leaders are looking at staff wellbeing and CPD in a whole new light. No longer will an hour-long lecture on the importance of stress management suffice. Educators are demanding more from their schools. And they deserve better.

Pitching a change to a school set in its ways isn’t always an easy sell. But who can argue with cold hard facts? Let’s look at the data behind the practice of coaching.

The Data

Strengths-based coaching flips the idea of improving your weaknesses to better yourself completely on its head. And with good reason. According to Gallup analysis, those who focus on their strengths are:

  • Three times more likely to report a high quality of life
  • Six times more likely to be more engaged at work
  • 8% more productive

But the implementation of coaching within the school environment needs a unified approach – and it starts at the top.

A study by Hadassah Littman-Ovadia and Shiri Lavy combined strength-centred therapy (Wong, 2006), a strength-based counselling model (Smith, 2006), and a VIA character strength assessment (Peterson and Seligman, 2004). They found over 80% of participants coached using a strengths-based approach achieved their goals within three months when compared to those participants using a traditional coaching method. We’ll give you a second to really take that in…

The effects of coaching can also spread behind the four walls of the classroom, with impacts felt by students, parents and beyond. A study carried out by Matthew Kraft, David Blazer, and Dylan Hogan looked at 60 previous studies surrounding the effects of teacher coaching programmes on student achievement. Their findings indicated a positive impact on student performance, exceeding other improvement strategies, such as merit-based pay and extended learning time for students. Coaching can produce real-world results for the students in your care.

Where to Begin

So how can this be implemented in your school? Tom Sherrington from Teacherhead Consulting recommends a five-step approach.

  • First and foremost, he advises leaving the judgement at home and focusing on the improvements you want to see.
  • Secondly, ensure your staff are singing from the same hymn sheet. Establishing a shared framework for thinking provides a language staff can use in coaching conversations and beyond.
  • Thirdly, make time for coaching. This one is important. Coaching is a system: a continuous process of listening and learning. It is a culture that will remain within your school for years to come. So, give it the priority it deserves.
  • Fourth on Tom’s list is to grow and develop a coaching team. For some, this may be their first introduction to coaching in the school. If starting small, we recommend choosing a diverse group of participants to represent all areas of the school. Why?
  • Well, part five in Tom’s approach transfers ownership to teachers. An embedded culture of coaching is all about teachers supporting teachers, and all levels should be represented: ECTs, department heads, and heads of year. Coaching is for everyone, and this should be clear from the start.

Learn More…

At The Educational Coach, our Every Conversation programme ensures every educator is equipped with the tools required for quality and fruitful conversations. We specialise in helping schools embed the culture they need and deserve. Get in touch to find out how you can make every conversation a better conversation.

If you would like to learn more about our staff satisfaction surveys, then get in touch.

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